6 Nov 2015

The Lytro’s Immerge aims to make virtual reality video more realistic

light field pioneer Lytro tipped that it was going to switch gears from still cameras to VR video creation, I expected something along the lines of Samsung’s Project Beyond. Instead, it has announced that it is building what is likely the world’s most expensive, and most sophisticated, end-to-end VR video capture, storage, and processing system.

The Lytro’s new Immerge has the ambitious goal of capturing all the light rays visible from its camera location — including both their color and direction — essentially an entire light field entering a spherical volume somewhat larger than a basketball. This is so much data that the Immerge comes with its own custom server computer that needs to be moved on a tether along with the camera rig and can store about an hour of unprocessed content.

The camera rig itself is designed to be controlled remotely while mounted on a tripod or dolly. Because it captures light from many positions, and every angle, Immerge can simulate what a viewer would see as they look around, and even move around, within a volume of about one cubic meter — six degrees of freedom. The design provides a more-realistic viewing experience than other VR capture rigs by allowing for visual parallax, maintaining stereo perception even after head movement, and eliminating stitch lines. The system can even adapt to each user’s personal inter-ocular distance.
Immerge is not for the faint of heart

At an expected six-figure sales price, Immerge is intended for high-end production companies, like new Lytro partners Vrse, WEVR, and Felix and Paul. Vrse CTO, Aaron Koblin, sees Immerge as a way to mix “CG content with captured content in a convincingly real way that doesn’t cost five million dollars.” WEVR’s Anthony Batt echoes similar sentiments.
Clearly both companies believe that adding the ability to move around a bit in live-action video will make it much easier to create composite VR experiences. Specifically, Lytro’s server tools are being designed to allow integration with existing 3D content creation tools like Nuke by projecting the captured Light Field Volume into virtual space — where it can be combined with computer-generated elements.

Like previous Lytro efforts, Immerge content will require a run-time component for full-fidelity rendering. Lytro describes this as its Light Field video playback engine. As content is increasingly streamed from the cloud, this may not be as big a stumbling block as it was for Lytro’s still image cameras, but it does limit the applications of the new system. The rendered content will be able to be played on any of the major VR headsets, including the Oculus Rift, Sony PlayStation VR, Microsoft Hololens, HTC Vive, and others. It can of course be rendered into a traditional stereo VR experience for offline viewing.

Lytro expects Immerge to be available for purchase or rent in the first quarter of 2016. Components of the system will include the camera rig, capture server, extra storage units, portable rendering farm, VFX plug-ins, an operator, and streaming services. Without a doubt, like Lytro’s original camera and newer Illum, Immerge breaks new ground, and will help early adopters create some amazing content. Whether the market is big enough to help justify the additional $50 million Lytro raised to fund this effort remains to be seen.

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