9 Nov 2015

The best 10 Futuristic Weapons Being Developed Today

list of Top 10 Futuristic Weapons does little to make the common man feel safer. The brutality and extreme power of these weapons will be a force to be reckoned with, and there is no stopping the development that is already under way.

Futuristic weaponry is far from reserved for SiFi films on TV anymore and military research around the world are pushing weaponry that is increasingly destructive. If we thought the 1940’s atomic bomb was devastating wait for the next generation of weapons technology.
10. Biodesign Synthetic Organism

Being developed by DARPA, this project, is potentially meant for soldier modification. Biodesign Synthetic Organisms are meant to live indefinitely and contain molecules that resist death. Despite being deactivated with a button, the idea of zombie ‘organisms’ is scary. Still no debut for this technology despite the Department of Defense’s $6 million funding.

Another project by DARPA is the ‘Magneto Hydrodynamic Explosive Munition’ or more frighteningly known as ‘mayhem without the Y.’ MAHEM has the power to penetrate enemy armor using molten metal. Tanks and troop transporters won’t stand a chance. DARPA representatives say eventually the weapon in its warhead format will have better control and efficiency than before.
8. Free Electron Laser

This pet project of the US Navy is a laser system meant to be able to intercept missile and rocket attacks on US ships. The laser is also able to work as a tracking sensor and information exchange tool when there is no perceived attacks. Already in the prototypes phase last year, the laser is likely to soon become a modern part of the warships arsenal.

Another laser system project funded by the Pentagon with DARPA, ‘High Energy Liquid Laser Area Defense System’ is mean for aircraft missile protection. This laser is meant to be a tiny but incredibly powerful laser that will intercept and destroy enemy missile fire.
6. Railgun

This new and improved version of its predecessors has been being developed for the past decade and will be capable of launching projectiles at 2.4 kilometers per second. That is seven times the speed of sound. The US military claims to see version of this weapon in the next ten to fifteen years.

5. Corner Shot Launcher

A collaboration between two Israeli and German defense firms, this weapon is fairly self-explanatory. A hinged frame and an under barrel camera linked to a screen makes this weapon perfect for elite urban-combat. The user can both fire and look around corners from cover. The Corner Shot Launcher was announced about a decade ago but hasn’t been deployed by either nation.
4. Hybrid Insect MEMS

This weapon is as close to 007 as they come. Hybrid Insect MEMS are part bug part robot meant for gathering intelligence or working as a gas or radiation detector. These bionic bugs are created by implanting a micro-mechanical system in the insect while still in the early stages of metamorphosis.
3. DREAD Silent Weapon

This weapon is a deadly accurate, swift, and fairly undetectable fire arm that fully earns its title. Able to fire 120,000 fully accurate round a minute and eliminates gunpowder by using electrical energy instead. This means there is no recoil, no noise, and no heat.
2. Aurora Excalibur

This weapon will probably be a reality sooner than later. This unmanned aircraft moves like a jet-plane helicopter combination. The Aurora Excalibur takes off and lands vertically like a helicopter but can reach over 450 miles an hour. This combination is exciting because, not only was it successfully tested in the summer of 2009, but it nullifies the need for a runway or pilot. Likely the aircraft will be equipped with missiles and other propellants and will be able to be controlled remotely from the ground.
1. XM-25 Grenade Launcher

Already used in Afghanistan field operation since early last year, the XM-25 is able to fire up to 25 highly explosive grenades at almost any viewable distance. This is made possible through a computer predetermination and programming aspect. This lethal combination of computer and gun is made even more powerful by its versatility and ability to be carried and employed by any soldier.

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